Forty Years and Growing:

Learn about CFHC’s history and how our work in the community began in 1977 by downloading “40 Years and Growing”.  This publication also illustrates our progress over the years and how our mission has withstood the test of time and will continue into the future. Click here.


City of Chicago Honors CFHC with Proclamation: 

The City Council of Chicago released a Proclamation to honor and commemorate CFHC’s 40th Anniversary Year. The proclamation, signed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, was approved at the January City Council Meeting after it was proposed by 10th Ward Alderwoman Susan Sadlowski-Garza. “We wanted to recognize CFHC’s commitment to the wellness of communities and to the important work that began 40 years ago and continues today,” said Alderwoman Sadlowski. Click here.

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Chicago Family Health Center provides comprehensive primary healthcare for all who seek care and the improvement of the health of the communities we serve by utilizing innovative health solutions.