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HIV Testing

We offer FREE rapid HIV testing which consists of a small finger stick. All testing is confidential, and you will receive your results the same day.  You can select to receive results through the patient portal, by phone or mail.

HIV testing is available from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on the following days and clinics and no appointment is necessary.

Chicago Lawn, 3223 W. 63rd St.

Pullman, 570 E. 115th St.
Roseland, 120 W. 111th St.

South Chicago, 9119 S. Exchange Ave.
CVCA, 2100 E. 87th St. (Until 4 P.M.)

10536 S. Ewing Ave. (Until 4 P.M.)

Check this page often for the most up-to-date testing schedule.

About HIV:
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which weakens your immune system by destroying the cells that fight disease and infection. Although there is currently no cure for HIV, with the proper medical care, those living with HIV can go on to live long, healthy, normal lives.

How do you get HIV?
Among adults, the virus most likely enters the body through blood-to-blood contact, or by an exchange of sexual fluids. Among newborns, HIV can be transmitted by HIV-positive women during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

How can I protect myself against HIV
Use condoms the right way every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex.  Never share needles and take advantage of HIV prevention medicines such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Call 733-978-8375 for more information and/or to see one of our providers.

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

We offer confidential STI testing that includes screening for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Testing consists of a blood draw and/or urine sample and is offered at all our health centers. You can select to receive results through the patient portal, by phone or mail. No appointment is necessary for STI testing.

Special health coverage specifically for sexual health services, including STI testing and treatment may be available. Our staff can determine your eligibility.  STI testing is also covered by insurance including Medicaid and our Sliding Scale program can also offer you a discounted rate based on your income. We encourage you to call 773-978-8375 before your STI test to provide your insurance information or to enroll in our discount program.

About STIs
STIs are infections that spread by sexual contact and are very common and easily spread, but many can be treated and cured. Having multiple sexual partners or sexual contact with some one who has an STI as well as use of intravenous drugs (injected into a vein) put you at a higher risk of getting an STI. That is why testing is an important first step.

How can I protect myself from getting an STI
Know your sexual partners and use a latex or polyurethane condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex.  You can also get the vaccine that protects against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV). Ask your provider about the HPV vaccine.

No appointment needed for HIV or STI testing.
Call for more information 773-978-8375

Upcoming Events

You can also get tested for HIV or STIs at our community health and wellness events. Check here for upcoming events.





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Chicago Family Health Center provides comprehensive primary healthcare for all who seek care and the improvement of the health of the communities we serve by utilizing innovative health solutions.